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Tourist zone of East India


Location :- To the east of Son and Kosi rivers
Major Cities :- Patna, Kolkata, Aizwal, Shillong
Famous For :- Tribal Culture, One-horned Rhino, Puri Rath Yatra, Tea Gardens
Holiday Destinations :- Sundarbans, Sarnath, Darjeeling, Kazirnaga 
The tourist attractions in the states in the eastern part of India include. The states of West Bengal, Orissa, Bihar and Jharkhand form the part of East India or the Eastern part of India. The Eastern Part of India which comprises of the four states has a large number of beaches, monasteries, temples and rivers which attract tourists from all around the world.  

This region is popularly know as the seven sister’s state i.e Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland, Manipur, Mizoram, Tripura and Meghalaya and is aptly dubbed as the hidden treasures of India. A tour of this region will take you to the ancient historical period where you with cherish the beauty of the art and architecture.
Orissa: The state has large number of temples important among them includes the Sun temple at Konark, Jagannath Temple at Puri, Lingaraj Temple at Bhubaneswar, Mahendragiri Temples at Mahendragiri, and Mutkeswara temple at Bhubaneswar. These temples in Orissa exhibit a majestic grandeur of the architecture that prevailed in the history of Orissa. The state is located in the western coast in India.

West Bengal:- During the British rule, a large number of monuments were set up in Kolkata which attracts large number of tourists. They are the Victoria Memorial, the Howrah Bridge and the Indian Museum. Other places of attraction include the Palace at Murshidabad, terracotta temples at Bankura District, Rabindranath’s Shantinikatan, Mountainous region of Darjeeling and shores of Digha and Sankarpur in East Midnapore.

Jharkhand: The state is rich in mineral resources and has a large number of attractions for the tourists to visit.  Carved out of Bihar in the year 2000, the state is the 28th state of the Indian Union. The state is covered with forests and wildlife sanctuaries and is rich in diverse species of flora and fauna.

Bihar: There are numerous Buddhist and Jain sites in this state, important among them include the Vaishali, Patna, Rajgir, Pawapuri, Buddha Gaya, and Nalanda. The holy river Ganga passes through its Capital, Patna. It is a landlocked state and is considered to be the land of Gautam Buddha, the founder of Buddhism.

The Eastern part of India has a good road, air and rail network. One can also visit East India by train. The major railheads are at Howrah and Sealdah in Kolkata, Bhubaneswar in Orissa and Patna in Bihar. There is an International Airport at Kolkata in West Bengal which is connected by flights from all over the world. Besides, there are domestic airports at Bhubaneswar in Orissa, Patna in Bihar and Ranchi in Jharkhand, which receive flights from all over India.

This region has mesmerising scenic beauty. It has captivating tea farm, from where the tea is exported to other part of the india as well as abroad. This part includes many pilgrimage centers for Jain and Buddha communities. Bodhgaya and puri are the most famous pilgrimage center in this region. The ruins of ancient Nalanda University can be found near Rajgir.

Odissi dance and music is the only classical dance and music in eastern India. Here, you can see the sun rise over the Bay of Bengal, travel to the Kaziranga wild life sanctuary in Assam and see the one-horned Rhinoceros, tour the amazing Konark temple in Orissa and see the magnificent view of Mt Kanchenjunga from Darjeeling, on your East India Tour.

Enriched with green hills, tea estates, wildlife sanctuaries, views of the towering Himalayas, temples, buddhist sites, East India has many fascinating tourist destinations, which are relatively unexplored. The dense forests of North East have in abundance rhinos, orchids and birds and butterflies. There still prevails the tribal life that is unknown and unconcerned about modern upheavals.

Some of the tourist places in East India are listed below by state :- 
  1. Tourist Places in Arunachal Pradesh
  2. Tourist Places in Assam  
  3. Tourist Places in Sikkim
  4. Tourist Places in West bengal
  5. Tourist Places in Jharkhand
  6. Tourist Places in Manipur 
  7. Tourist Places in Nagaland
  8. Tourist Places in Orissa
  9. Tourist Places in Meghalaya
  10. Tourist Places in Mizoram
  11. Tourist Places in Tripura
  12. Tourist Places in Bihar
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