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Indian Tourism: Beyond the Millennium
Language: English
BEYOND THE MILLENNIUM" by a person, who has an inside view of the
development of tourism in India ,
delves into these and many other pertinent questions. As India prepares to enter the new millennium, the
book traces the history of tourism development in India , the constraints that limit
its growth and the issues that may fashion the future. Replete with valuable
statistical information, its incisive insight into the emerging trends, couple
with commonsense prescription for the future, makes the book a 'must read' for
policy planners, researchers, students and the general public alike.
The book takes us through the
global scenario, the progress of Indian tourism as unfolded in the 50 years
since Independence , the specific issues of ecology
and sustainable development with reference to fragile areas like Ladakh an
North-East India, the importance of public private partnership-in fact a
kaleidoscope of all that you wanted to know about India tourism.

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