f Triveni Sangam in Allahabad Tourist India Tourist India Triveni Sangam in Allahabad - Tourist India

Triveni Sangam in Allahabad

Sangam the Triveni Sangam in Allahabad is a confluence of 3 rivers, the Ganges, Yamuna, and Saraswati. Of these three, the river Saraswati is invisible and is said to flow underground and join the other two rivers from below. The point of confluence is a sacred place for Hindus. A bath here is said to wash away all of one's sins and free one from the cycle of rebirth. It is believed that all the gods come in human form to take a dip at the sangam and expiate their sins.
The Triveni Sangam is believed to be the same place where drops of Nectar fell from the pitcher, from the hands of the Gods. So it is believed that a bath in the Sangam will wash away all one's sins and will clear the way to heaven. Devout Hindus from all over India come to this sacred pilgrimage point to offer prayers and take a dip in the holy waters. The sacred Kumbh Mela is held every 12 years on the banks of the Sangam. 

Ganga, Yamuna, and Sraswati (invisible) is every hindus dream. Doing it during December, brings it own cold feeling. The water is quite clear, blackish of the Yamuna and muddish of the Ganga, not so rapid (like during rainy season), but still take precautions. A barrage of boats are anchored at the Sangam spot, and to reach there you negotiate with boats available at the banks (near the Akbar Fort). The boatmen try to make fast buck and begin negotiating 3-4 times the normal fare (about 800 rupees for full boat).

The boatmen help in taking the holy dip. It is a beautiful place. The sunset is priceless. It is so believed that the mythological river Saraswati flows beneath it. That is why it is called TRIVENI Tri means three and veni means rivers. A holy dip in the Sangam during January [ Magh Mela ] or Mahakumbh is said to give immense pleasure.

This, together with the migratory birds give a picturesque look to the river during the Kumbha Mela, in the month of January. The boat ride to the middle where the two rivers meet is quiet and great fun can be had in feeding the gulls who sweep down on the smallest morsel you throw to them. Incidentally the food for the gulls is available even in the middle of the river with a guy in a boat selling it. The colors of the two rivers where they meet are clearly visible and it is shallow enough at the meeting point to get down and take a dip. The view of the Allahabad fort (which one is not allowed to enter unless one has a permit from the defence guys) is fascinating. All in all a must do even if you are in Allahabad for a few hours.

 I also bought a paper boat (environmentally friendly) with flowers and a diya (earthen lamp) from a 12 year old name raju. Carry your towels and change for the dip. Pandits are available at the barrage to help you with the puja. I suggest one avoids them, but do offer water to the Sun God, flower and light a diya) to Devi Ganga for blessings. Eternal cleansing is assured once you take the dip (quite cold waters), and you feel the sand below you wash away so hold something to avoid the current.

One must visit Sangam on a Saturday & have darshan of Hanuman ji on the sangam ghat, It is one of the very auspicious temples in Allahabad & becomes very crowdy on Saturdays.

It's an amazing place to visit. You would love to see the Sunrise from this place, its incredible. Just wished the management kept the place cleaner because its in a pathetic condition. This is believed to be a Holy Place so strive to keep it as one. 
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Item Reviewed: Triveni Sangam in Allahabad Rating: 5 Reviewed By: Ashish Shukla